Any type of electrical installation can deteriorate with age and use. It is recommended that electrical installations are inspected and tested periodically as appropriate to their use and environment to verify compliance with the National Rules for Electrical Installations – ET101.
How we complete a Periodic Inspection Report:
The comments/remedial work section on the form will outline any breach identified during the inspection and also give a recommendation on how to resolve the breach.
Following the completion of the periodic inspection and testing of an installation, a schedule of the following shall be compiled:
The REC shall use the numbering system (1-4 below) to indicate to the person(s) responsible for the electrical installation the recommended action to be taken.
* A non-compliance with the current National Rules for Electrical Installations does not necessarily imply that the installation inspected is unsafe. It does mean however that the current set up does not meet the current guidelines and should be addressed as soon as possible. PIR report failures can also affect your application to the local county council to accept your house as a long term rental so it is important you check this before you apply
Other common names for this report are : Periodic Inspection Report, PIR, Periodic Inspection , Electrical Report , Electrical Inspection, Fixed Wire Testing, Periodic Inspection and Testing , ETCI Report , ETCI Inspection, ETCI Inspection Report , ETCI Periodic Inspection. Call today and we can clarify what type of testing or report it is that you require.
Full visual inspection & electrical testing of each of the appliances at your business. Conducted with specialised machinery to spot any possible faults.
Each Appliance will be labelled with a barcoded ID tag with dates and results printed on them so that is clear that each of your appliances have been tested.
A detailed report outlining the results of all of your appliances will be provided. These reports are in approved format for safety officers and insurance companies.
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